Schermafbeelding 2022-10-10 om 13.51.20

NOW TALKS 4# Privileges

NOW TALKS 4# Privileges

On Thursday, September 29, 2022, the Maas youth panel organized the fourth NOW TALKS in collaboration with SPACE010 and Music Matters. The young people shine their light on the themes of privilege, power, and violence. Veronique Aicha (national coordinator at Restorative Justice Nederland, the Dutch office of RESCALED) and Leroy van der Hurk (The Rhythmic Poet) started the conversation with the public: are we all powerless or can we influence the system? In addition there was a performance by rapper/singer-songwriter QAQ (talent Music Matters).

Case study Amsterdam Zuidoost – Restorative Cities

Through the INSPIRE project, Restorative Justice Nederland aims to refine the concept of a restorative city by identifying key principles, such as dialogue, community involvement, democracy

Case study Amsterdam Zuidoost – Restorative Cities

Through the INSPIRE project, Restorative Justice Nederland aims to refine the concept of a restorative city by identifying key principles, such as dialogue, community involvement, democracy